Saturday 5 December 2015


Happy Birthday to my beautiful, hot, sexy, funny and mischievous sister Princess Chidera Uddoh!

Today is Princess' birthday!!!! Whoop whoop! The Princess of Ogidi Land...LOL. The only human in the WWW that can watch movies all day, all night and will never get tired. I love you dearie and as you add another year today, more money in your bank account. LOL

She is sleeping as I write and totally oblivious I was gonna do this.I love surprises! Good ones o! I will surely capture her epic surprise face when she sees the post this morning. 

Let me do some aproko and tell you about her. My dad delivered her in our living room. I remember my mum having these excruciating labor pains very late in the night. She was crying and I was wailing. I was still small to understand what was going on and was so scared something bad was going to happen to her. We were aware my dad had a surgery case that night and would be late from work. Communication was not like now. Then, it was NITEL with their shoddy network. There was no GSM and all we had to do was wait and pray. 

Finally, my mum and I were so happy when we heard my dad honking. I ran downstairs and told him Mummy was in pains.When we got upstairs, he immediately ordered me to the room.
I woke up the next morning and heard the cry of a baby, I wondered where it came from. I casually went to my Mum's room to check up on her from the night before but lo and behold, her Majesty, Princess was sleeping sooo beautifully in her cot. 

I remember my dad looked at her and said ' she looks like a Princess' and that was how her name came about. Infact, he doesn't joke with her name to the extent that he doesn't like someone else bearing it. Can you imagine? I even learnt she refused to cry when she was delivered. My Mum was so scared she was going to loose her. My dad had to hit her so hard on the feet before she finally cried. 

She is my dad's favourite even though he denies it. He really spoilt her when we were growing up. Never allowed us nor my Mum send her on errands. And she really enjoyed the attention... We used to beef her because she never did wrong in my dad's eyes. Anyways, as she grew older, her reality check bounced. Haaaahahaha.

She is a sweet soul. I have never met someone forgive so easily,would always give people the benefit of doubt even when they offend her,a free bird,very intelligent and smart, bilingual(she speaks both English and French fluently),number one mischief maker of the house, loves watching movies like rice loves white, dancer of life, very wise, she gets ready for work in 15 mins. For a lady, I don't know how she does that, my bargain advisor ( you can never cheat her). Infact, she BOLDLY closed a deal from 300,000 naira to 30,000 naira! I can't do that...I won't even have the guts to start from 100,000 naira. It is only Princess Uddoh that can do that! But she can talk and argue sha...She should have been a lawyer.

Anyways, enjoy some of her pictures below. Biko, she did not release birthday photos but you can still enter a staring contest with these few. Ciao!


  1. I'm laughing and crying at the same time. This is definitely one hell of a surprise *forgive my french*. I love you sister and sisters... The only people that are allowed to bully me!!! Thanks for exposing me to your fabulous readers. Au revoir

  2. Awwenjoyed reading your write up. Happy birthday darling coming for my rice ASAP. May God bless you now and always Amen. Kisses

  3. Wowh. Dis is so sweet coming 4rm sisters of life. D surprise is so luvly. Happy bday mate. Ur big sis has bared it all. Lol!. Hav a blissful celebration.

  4. Awww...this is the ultimate exposé! Lol! Princess is one helluva gal. She is one of the strongest, intelligent and sweetest human I know. She deserves all the blessings that comes with today! My Omalicha of laive! Happy birthday sweetie...May your days be long, bright and beautiful, just like you...

  5. Yes o, d only 'mulu anya' that will watch movies all through the night and still wanna watch more in d morning. Ewkutosi, why was this name omitted from ur list of names? Abeg bring ur birth certificate make we see jare, Lol. Wishing u a happy birthday and greatness. Cheers dear.

  6. Awwww... this is soooo touchy. Happy bday Princess. I think I know exactly how your sisters feel about you after working closely with you for about a year and having you seated right next to me in the office. Your sister forgot to add that you are very quick to learn, humble, interesting, fun to be with and always succeeding in whatever you set your mind to do (she came tops in the balance score card training / exam organised in our office). Less I forget, her hour-glass shape would make Kim Kardashian go green with envy (if you know what I mean). Happy Birthday dearie. Wish all that God wants you to have. (From you know who).

  7. The post is so nice and sisterly. No one would have written it better. Thank you SISTERS for this beautiful piece. I can imagine how special you must be feeling after reading the post. Your head has swollen so much that it can't contain the size of your apartment. It's your SPECIAL day lovey. I wonder how many times I have written the WORD special!!! I can't help it myself 'cos that's exactly what you are. Do shakara my Ex Wifey

  8. She drives me crazy but I lurrr her so much. She's my twinny

  9. Thebillionaireswife5 December 2015 at 18:23

    Happy Birthday Princess! Many more prosperous years. *hugs*
